‘Nostalgic Colors' by Jaquelina Shipley

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‘Nostalgic Colors' by Jaquelina Shipley


This is another of those odd "I'm not sure what category this fits into" article which crops up from time to time as the artists of whom we write buck convention.

I'm going with a sort of preview of a review.. if that makes sense.

To further mess with readers' minds, this all relates to Jackie James whose "Magic" featured on  'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Six'  and as part of Ubergine, her "I Wanna Do It" on HMLP 3.

However, this time out, her upcoming album ‘Nostalgic Colors' comes out under the name of "Jaquelina Shipley".

To be honest, I don't tend to deal much with music released on major international labels, so this one, on Warner Chappell throws up a few rare issues: the first being the American spelling in the title.

However Jackie was understandably pleased to have such a powerful platform for these songs and so has been happy to cede control in the presentation (the cover photo too is their choice) as once you're past them, everything you hear is hers.

So why am I not reviewing it now?

Well that's another oddity: you can access the alum online right now (via https://uk.warnerchappellpm.com/album/aa242/NTE3MTk2MC05Zjg2NzI) and hear "Best Thing", "Wedding", "The High Road, The Low Road", "The Cliffs of Moher", "Let's Play The Game", "Take Me Back Again" and "My Colors" (sic).

However Jackie is going back into the studio very soon to record additional tracks which will then be added to the above on the CD release in August.

It seemed unfair to the latter to do a formal review now & then maybe an addendum in a couple of months: it might tend to marginalise them. Therefore after discussion with the artist, I'll raise your awareness today & offer a review when the collection is complete.

Jackie has never been tied to genre and so this sort of unconventional release is consistent with her career. That different aspects have emerged under a range of names isn't especially surprising: you just need to plot a course through them all.

Warner Chappell have aimed to showcase the folk side of what she does (their blurb states "this album of love songs captures the sea-soaked romance of the Irish cliffs, with female vocals extoling the warmth and affection of a relationship supported by mellow acoustic guitars, uplifting fiddle, upright bass and light percussion"). I am sure I'll be expanding upon that in due course.

The album is a celebration of one side of Jackie, but it also features a wide range of collaborations including quite a few who have appeared in stories n the magazine and on volumes of "Hot Music Live Presents" such as Ethan Shipley, John Shipley, Matt Waddell, John Rivers & Jools Street.

I'll pick up the story then in a few weeks' time

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