Line up for GristFest 2016 announced
by Beano, 18 Feb 2016
SATURDAY 30-04-2016
The Intruders.
Jon and Jon.
The Sam Powell Blues Band.
Chalk Drawings.
The New Wombats.
The Henry's Rhythm & Blues Band.
Matty Coles.
The Road Hogs.
The Harry Rag Band.
The Chain of Fools.
SUNDAY 01-05-2016
Paul Whylie.
Kirstie Dakin.
Ellie Reed.
Lucy Marie Anderton.
Magik River.
Warwick Junction.
The Rushmore.
Taylor-Louise Thomas.
Levi Washington.
Matty Coles.
MONDAY 02-05-2016
Steven Birks.
The Watts.
Too Fat To Kidnap.
Paris Tredell.
Mister Wolf.
Southern Cross.
Rena and the Renegades.
Concrete Boots.
Filthy Lucre.
Kate and the Mooncats.
The Harry Rag Band.