Articles featuring photography by Andy Holdcroft

About Andy Holdcroft

Andy Holdcroft has contributed 547 photographs to Hot Music Live.

Andy Holdcroft has taken photographs of the following acts:

  • Aaron Dudfield
  • Abi Rowberry
  • Abz Winter
  • Ace & The Oddity
  • Ace Ambrose
  • Adam Barry
  • Alys Rain
  • Andrea Mbarushimana
  • Andrew Heath
  • Angelo Cardone
  • Bar Pandora
  • Becky Syson
  • Ben Haines
  • Bill Cameron
  • Blush
  • Brass Hip Flask
  • Burning Salt
  • Callum Mckissock
  • Calton Kelly
  • Candid
  • Carrick
  • Chasing Deer
  • Chessi O'Dowd
  • Clemency
  • Concrete Fun House
  • Crokodile Tears
  • Danny Ansell
  • Dave K
  • Dave Pepper
  • Delia Derbyshire
  • Donnelly & South
  • Dr.Um
  • Duck Thieves
  • Ellie Gowers
  • Elvis Costello and the Attractions
  • Erin O'Rourke
  • Evergreen
  • Ezza Brianna
  • Force of Love
  • Freezacrowd
  • Generation Jones
  • Gods Toys
  • Granny's Attic
  • Greg Brice
  • Hannah Woof
  • Hedcheese
  • Helen McCookerybook
  • Henery
  • Holly & the Hounds
  • Holly Hewitt
  • Honky Tonk Rose
  • Hugh Cornwell
  • Ivy Ash
  • Izzie Derry
  • J T Wilson
  • Jack Blackman
  • Jack O'Bones
  • Jake Rizzo
  • James Oliver Band
  • Jen Waghorn
  • Joe Dolman
  • John Douglas
  • John Kirkpatrick
  • John Parker
  • Jono Wright
  • K C Jones and Alchemista
  • Katherine Abbott
  • Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening
  • Keith Donnelly
  • Keith Fabrique
  • King of the Alps
  • Kirsty Clarke
  • Kristy Gallacher
  • Lauren South
  • Levi Washington
  • Liam Vincent and The Odd Foxes
  • Loophole
  • Love + Madness Records
  • Luke Concannon
  • Luna Kiss
  • M M Gibbons
  • Man Made Moon
  • Mara Falls
  • Maria Barham
  • Martin Carthy
  • Merrymaker
  • Mintakaa
  • Monday Nights
  • Morocco Dave
  • Naomi Beth
  • Nicky Ager
  • Nigel Clark
  • Noah Dobbie
  • Oliver Darling
  • Ollie Hayes
  • Ollie Lawrence
  • Orange River Remedy
  • Pandora
  • Paradise of the Titans
  • Pete Astor
  • Peter Hall
  • Project Overload
  • Prole Position
  • Rebecca Mileham
  • Retroville
  • Reverend Robert
  • Rob Halligan
  • Rosie Samaras
  • Ross Darby
  • Rowan Evans
  • Roxanne de Bastion
  • Sam McNulty
  • Satsangi
  • Septic and the Tanks
  • Shanade
  • Shanade Morrow
  • Shanghai Hostage
  • Steel Pulse
  • Stegosaurus Sex Party
  • Stone Bear
  • Street Arts Project
  • Stylusboy
  • T8PES
  • Taylor-Louise
  • Tell Tale Presents
  • The Sunbathers
  • The Beat
  • The Big Sugars
  • The Bodysnatchers
  • The Boy Who Invented Everything
  • The Catenary Wires
  • The Clash
  • The Dirt Road Band
  • The Ellipsis
  • The Folly Brothers
  • The Hansel Brothers
  • The Hatstand Band
  • The Jack O'Bones
  • The Jazz Apples
  • The Matadors
  • The Mechanicals Band
  • The Mintakaa Collective
  • The Monochrome Set
  • The Old Flames
  • The Old Number 7 Band
  • The Peas
  • The Pristines
  • The Rising
  • The Rude Mechanicals Band
  • The Selecter
  • The Session
  • The Shapes
  • The Silver Wye
  • The Specials
  • The Sunbathers
  • The Undertones
  • The Upsiders
  • Tigermask
  • Titine La Voix
  • Titine Lavoix
  • Toby Marks
  • Tom Robinson Band
  • Trevor Babajack Steger
  • TwoManTing
  • Various
  • Various Artists
  • Various artists
  • Vimal Korpal
  • Vince Ishia
  • Wes Finch
  • Whizzy
  • X Ray Spex
  • YNES
  • Zoe Konez

Articles and galleries

There can be few more civilised pleasures than sitting by Stratford Upon Avon Bandstand on a sunny summer Sunday afternoon & listening to such ...

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You will have noticed my considerable respect for & excitement concerning the Live On Stage project if you've been reading my article over the ...

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As you'll have read in my in my article about Matthew Mansfield (aka Matt Hernández) earlier this week, my intention had been to pop down to the ...

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This article is pretty much a mirror to my anticipatory one on the 2024 Godiva Festival which I wrote a month ago: having looked forwards to ...

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I am so pleased that if you read the magazine & check out the tracks on "Hot Music Live", one of the stories it tells about the exceptionally ...

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One of the phenomena I experience with live reviewing is to enjoy the moment (and why not?) and then have subsequent reflection suggest bigger ...

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Well that might be described as a double ambition fulfilled in one trip.

I set off on Sunday to catch Katherine Abbott at Pete Willow's ...

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Reviewing multi stage festivals when I have limited time generates its own dynamics and when the event itself, like Motofest 2024 in Coventry has ...

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It's always uplifting: morally, emotionally & physically to witness a Liam Vincent and The Odd Foxes' gig (I was sufficiently rendered ...

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The sad news is that there was less music than usual at this year's Earlsdon Festival.

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The latest top class Sink or Swim promotion (look out for a lengthier appreciation of what Joe Colombi does in the magazine shortly) was John ...

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From time to time, "severe weather events" with their own names hit the UK: earlier this month we had Storm Kathleen and now Hurricane YNES has ...

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As you will know, I always greatly enjoy the music of Clemency and usually preface my reviews with an element of regret over the period of time ...

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Ironically, the tremendous personal enjoyment I got out of attending "A Celebratory Cruise on a Tiny Boat with Lauren South & friends" at the ...

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I'm sure that my review of the debut album ‘New Beginnings' from Project Overload left you in no doubt of my excitement at the emergence of this ...

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As foretold in my recent account of my visits to two workshops for Streets Arts Project, the professional musicians who facilitate them came ...

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As you'll know from various earlier reviews, both of Street Arts Project releases & of their associated launch gigs, I thoroughly support this ...

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Reviewing a band's live performance when you saw them only a fortnight earlier presents its problems of finding what new to say, but given the ...

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It's always great to catch up with John Rivers about what he's been up to at Woodbine Street Studio in Leamington: though he's been so busy that ...

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Among the various categories of concerts one can go to, there exists the one where the artist can not just slip one new song into their setlist ...

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I can't imagine that any regular reader of my reviews could doubt my enthusiasm for the music of Septic and the Tanks, so after a lengthy fallow ...

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I'm delighted to be posting my first live review of 2024 so early in the year & indeed it's my first for quite some time: too long.

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Some years back, I was lucky enough to attend the live debut of the Folly Brothers (back when they were a duo) and in the intervening time, I've ...

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The first thing to note about COVtember 2023 which was held over the weekend (three days' worth) is that as ever, it raised money for Coventry ...

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Unfortunately, life intruded and my plans to attend both days of Leamington Food Festival turned into just seeing Carrick perform on Leamington ...

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As noted in my review of ‘Recovery', the new Streets Arts Project album, the launch event was held at Stratford Playhouse last evening & it was ...

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It's been a while since I'd seen, or reported on, the Jack O'Bones (apart from all the issues we all know about, the band are so in demand in ...

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Rather more through luck than anything else (see below), I caught excellent sets by Hannah Woof and Monday Nights on Leamington Bandstand this ...

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You'll be glad to know that I'm keeping up my record of seeing nearly every Ivy Ash gig ever.

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Thankfully despite the rain and despite some very disappointing sound (I made an incautious comment in the magazine some weeks ago about the ...

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It's always a pleasure to give "Hot Music Live" magazine readers my impressions of the Godiva Festival: just not quite as big a delight perhaps ...

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First of all, credit to Rob Halligan for pulling the music together for Coventry MotoFest 2023 (and previous years of course) & managing it over ...

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After the pleasures of catching The Old Flames at last week's Open Arts Festival gig on Leamington Bandstand, the weather was even more glorious ...

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It was back last March when I was privileged to be present at the live debut of The Old Flames: as part of the Open Arts Festival on Leamington ...

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What an historic day! I refer of course to the launch of ‘Fabric of a Flawed Society', the debut album by Liam Vincent and The Odd Foxes, which ...

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After a (too) long break from experiencing live music, it was a joy to be there for the sets from the ever excellent Shanghai Hostage, The ...

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Less than a week after that magnificent gig I reported on with T8PES, Andrea Mbarushimana's poetry & headliner Luke Concannon, here I am ...

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Can I get through a review of "Hush! An Autumnal Celebration" (another collaboration between "Hot Music Live Presents" and Earlsdon Carnegie ...

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As you might imagine with a three day  festival, my getting to see every act was always going to be difficult (I couldn't) but I'll begin by ...

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While I admired their fortitude & commitment to rock, I was disappointed for Luna Kiss at the Art in the Park event in Leamington last month since ...

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Much as I (and loads of other people to) enjoy the Godiva Festival, it's not the easiest event to review in a conventional manner.

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Sadly we don't feature too many live reviews from Rugby (if anyone based over that way would like to cover their thriving scene, please let us ...

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The Godiva Festival is many things to different people: indeed that is alone one of its glories: how is manages to cover so many bases at once is ...

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"Hush! A Harvest Celebration" yesterday was the latest in the collaboration between "Hot Music Live Presents" and Earlsdon Carnegie Community ...

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As  I indicated in last week's report on "Art in the Park" in Leamington, I was delighted, after reviewing a string of fine singles by her, not ...

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Thankfully, despite the circumstances, the unusual weather & the traditional/legendary/notorious event organisation, I managed to witness at least ...

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I am sure I'd have supported the Elevate Festival last evening regardless of the stellar lineup, as it was both celebrating fifty years of ...

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Last evening at Earlsdon Carnegie Community Library saw the "Hush! A Summer Celebration" event, another in the series of collaborations between ...

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Thanks to (adverse) fate, I've not actually written about a live Greg Brice gig in the magazine before, which is quite embarrassing given his ...

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As you'll know from previous writing in the magazine & the inclusion on ‘Hot Music Live Presents Volume Eight' of "Wake Me Up Tomorrow", the ...

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As I've got out more in recent weeks to see live music again, I've been most fortunate to catch some artists whose reputations were made in the ...

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As those of you who were kind enough to read my interview with Paul McLoone last week (and what an interesting one that was for me to enact) will ...

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As anticipated in my interview with Bid last month, yesterday evening saw a magnificent gig at the Tin with the Monochrome Set being supported by ...

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Sadly it's been a couple of years since I was last able to post an article on the splendid Clemency (it was their February 2020 gig at ...

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 Last evening saw the follow up to the highly successful "Hush! A Spring Celebration" collaboration between "Hot Music Live Presents" and ...

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Last evening's Stratford Playhouse Folk Club meeting was as intriguing a juxtaposition of two talents as its predecessors.

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I can't quite believe that here I am, writing my third live review in four days… an idea which has been unthinkable for so long.

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It's gives me a extra frisson of pleasure to be able not only to publish my second live review in the space of three days but one about an event ...

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Having reported on last month's inaugural Stratford Playhouse Folk Club gig, I was delighted to make its follow up as well.

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My tendency as you know is to focus in particularly on local Coventry & Warwickshire artists for my reviews: in the last couple of years certainly ...

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I am delighted to report that this week a plaque was erected on the original site of Woodbine Street Recording Studio by Leamington Town Council, ...

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Last night was another little milestone for me: my first pub-based gig for two years.

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The other day, while reviewing the new Chessi O'Dowd single, "The Pines", I commented that the first gig I had scheduled which was cancelled by ...

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If you enjoyed "Auriga" by Mintakaa on ‘Hot Music Live Presents Volume Six' then it's a fair assumption that you'd be interested in catching ...

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I'm sorry to say that I'd never previously attended one of the summer Sunday afternoon concerts on the Bandstand in Stratford before but I'm glad ...

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To be honest, as delighted as I was that live music in some quantity was back at an expanded "Art in the Park" (two stages rather than the usual ...

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In my recent review of the "Women Pioneers" event at Coventry Cathedral, I drew your attention to its companion event centring on the 2 Tone ...

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Saturday night was another real landmark for me: my first Saturday evening out since the pandemic struck.

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It is unfortunate that catching every artist on a multi musician event isn't always possible, but the short time I was able to be at the Record ...

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Strange and wonderful times: I find myself today writing my second live report inside a week.

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It seems almost unreal and a bit transgressive to find myself writing a live review after so many months of reviewing the recorded activities of ...

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It was only yesterday when Facebook reminded me that it was exactly twelve months since I had last see King of the Alps play live.

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Somewhat to my surprise, yesterday afternoon I found myself enjoying live music in the actual physical presence of the musicians creating it for ...

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Some six months ago, I wrote what to date is my penultimate live review for the magazine: concerning Wes Finch's Leap Year gig.

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In my latest feature on how local music related businesses are coping with, adapting to & evolving through the current circumstances, I am looking ...

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Back in March, I shared some of my reflections, fears & thoughts about the impact of lockdown on the local music scene & more or less left it on a ...

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After the success of my recent features on Ian Todd & Chloë Boehm, here is another one I think you'll find interesting & I think topical.

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If you are anything like me, among the myriad challenges to our communities currently being presented, the probable curtailment of live music for ...

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February 29th is an unusual date. A rare date even. I rarely attend gigs on that date nor write reviews.

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I expect we all agree that music can actually do things to us & for us: improve our mood & morale, lift our spirits, transform our psyches.

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Welcome to another of my series of reviews of Coventry & Warwickshire musicians whom I hold in very high regard yet have hitherto failed to review ...

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It has been far too long since I had last caught a full Titine La Voix live set.

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What a great way to start off 2020. The Old Number 7 Band gig at the Railway Inn in Leamington has set a very high bar already in so many respects.

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It is always a challenge finding the right words for any review: trying to describe one medium in another is itself tricky & then if you review ...

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I have to admit from the start that I found writing a review which captures the essence of Tigermask adequately, having seen him play at the Town ...

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Watching TwoManTing last night at the Town House in Leamington, one of my immediate thoughts was "it's been too long" since I last saw them live.

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This review in some ways is able to address an omission among my pieces for "Hot Music Live": although I have alluded to Will Ball in respect of ...

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Although I have seen them play before, and greatly enjoyed their performances, I have not actually ever given them a full review for some reason ...

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Well here I am again, this time reviewing not one but two artists on whom I fear I may have already used up my supply of appropriate superlatives ...

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Few "Hot Music Live" readers will need introducing to the name nor talents of Sam McNulty.

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One of the issues which is a perennial worry for me in writing for "Hot Music Live" is how to cover even the most excellent of artists, the ones ...

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The gig at the Magic Lantern last night was described by venue creator & owner Adrian Gains as "one of the best nights we have had so far.

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By now I'm sure you'll be aware of the many bees in my bonnet as I tend to repeat  much the same obsessions in most reviews, so when I rave on ...

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I am a big fan of the performing & writing of Ross Darby so it was a big pleasure to get another chance to review him for this magazine on the ...

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I should really like first of all to voice my appreciation to the members of both Shanghai Hostage & Brass Hip Flask.

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I could, I suppose, run through every act I saw & enjoyed at the 2019 Godiva Festival in detail which would give them the credit they thoroughly ...

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Another cracking evening which saw the grand musical talent of Warwickshire displayed on several levels.

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I have reviewed the consummate musicianship of Holly Hewitt & David Page for "Hot Music Live" on several occasions, though it isn't, I admit, ...

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Here I go again: another evening spent in the company of really talented musicians who not only perform in a way that touches my soul but ...

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I flatter myself that some of you may remember my reviewing the Hansel Brothers in the past for "Hot Music Live" (most recently on February 10th).

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Another wonderful night of song writing craft & passionate performances at the Magic Lantern last evening & two more great local musicians who ...

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What a beautiful evening's entertainment & soul sustenance of original music at the Tin.

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What an interesting & subtle band Burning Salt are. No wonder they are getting a lot of attention, though like me, much of those recognising their ...

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In 1996 Elvis Costello held an event he called "A Case For Song" which was filmed for the BBC: collaborating with a range of other ...

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It is always really great to have new talent introduced to you & it is a clear & highly  admirable feature of much of the music scene locally ...

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Who likes being out of their comfort zone? As reading my reviews in "Hot Music Live" will show, I can mostly find some words (if any words can ...

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The keynote description being used at the Calton Kelly gig last night at the Magic Lantern  was "lush" and who am I to argue with that? I could ...

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What a difference a day makes: after the intimate & cool jazz I experienced on Friday night with the Jazz Apples at the Magic Lantern, ...

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Under normal circumstances, reviewing, or attempting to review, precisely the same musicians I had less than four months ago (see my ...

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It was nearly a year ago (January 28th 2018) that I reported in the pages of "Hot Music Live" that Holly Hewitt & David Page of Retroville were ...

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Every Yuletide, Johnny Satsangi of APE Promotions gifts to us is a multi artist gig at the Zephyr Lounge under the "Wrongmas" banner, always ...

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I find myself drifting into describing gigs at the Magic Lantern as "magical": unfortunately the label is accurate.

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You can keep your headphones & your immersive sound systems. There is no better musical experience than sitting four feet away from a top quality ...

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There are few finer feelings than being immersed in the finest music in an intimate setting so it not merely impacts on your hearing but defines ...

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If people think that the closure last autumn of Leamington's HEAD Records was a blow to the music lovers of Leamington: they were wrong.

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The purposes of this event were several: having released a four track EP and two 21 track albums of "the cream of Coventry & Warwickshire music, ...

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I have seen locally based Country supergroup Honky Tonk Rose several times since their formation.

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It was several years ago that I first saw the excellent trash/garage/rock & roll band the Dirty Robbers & frankly loved them.

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This was something of a coup for Jonny Roden's "Tunehouse at the Townhouse" night: a really interesting specialist musician from Charleston, ...

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Most readers of this piece will know of Joe Meek & his revolutionary production techniques, but fewer will be aware of his work with one of the ...

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The practice of universities awarding honorary qualifications often seems to result in the famous, rich, powerful & previously honoured getting ...

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It is not easy to think of a musician who has graced so many bands of such quality & influence & featuring such diverse styles over 40 odd years ...

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Some of you may have noticed a gig on at The Squirrel in Coventry on Saturday 21st October entitled "Anthony Harty featuring Sam McNulty ...

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On Thursday 21st September 2017, Coventry Music Museum officially launched its own eponymous record label, the first release being a limited ...

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On Saturday 6th August 2017, the latest Artist of the Month was unveiled at Coventry Music Museum.

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Readers will recollect how in 2016, Leamington's favourite punk band The Shapes reconvened from around the world to celebrate their 39th ...

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I have spent a couple of weeks trying to figure out how on earth to capture my Godiva Festival 2017 experience in one concise article (I was there ...

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It was a real privilege to be present today at the Big Lottery funded "Sounding Off" session at Coventry Music Museum by local legend Stephen ...
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This month's Artist of the Month at Coventry Music Museum is rapper Whizzy (Damon-Lee Smallridge) and as is customary, he came into the Museum today ...
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