The 'IV' EP by Cov Kozaks

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The 'IV' EP by Cov Kozaks


Out today is ‘IV', the new EP from Cov Kozaks. The title refers of course to its being their fourth release after the preceding "Taras Bulba Trilogy" which comprised 2017's ‘Stand Aside Mykola' the 2018 live album ‘Who Else but an Idiot Would Want To!' and 2022's  ‘Put Your Faith in the Sword and the Sword in the Polka'.

Tragically, their Ukrainian homeland was invaded just as the latter came out and since then their celebration of their heritage has had to take other turns, with their energies going into fundraising gigs and in promoting a heritage under attack. This has inspired very positive live reviews (not least by me, in awe of their powerful Godiva Festival Main Stage performances) but of course, it would be much better had they not had to do so.

Now they've had time to record four new tracks which again blend their deep love of their culture with their contemporary sensibilities which they use to bring their heritage to the attention of today's audiences & not only preserve it but inject it with the incredible energy you see on stage.

Naturally, Cov Kozaks are one of those bands you need to see live to really appreciate who they are: their live set is spectacular & as you know, last time I reported, featured traditional dancers too. That presents something of a challenge but they have risen to this magnificently with  "Чорноморець", "Горіла Сосна", "Сумно" and "То не лист (Карпатські січовики)" rendered with passion enough to ignite any heart. If this doesn't inspire people, I don't know what could.

All four tracks actually have roots in pre-existing songs to some degree, though I suspect that were you to transport a Ukrainian from a century ago to the modern day, they'd raise an eyebrow at the blizzards of angry guitars which open the EP & re-occur later: very Led Zeppelin though of course that band did appreciate folk & world music.

Elsewhere the intensity is transmitted via instruments the time traveller might more readily recognise: wind, string & accordion parts play on those heartstrings with fervour.

The arrangements are often pretty complex but the band are adept at weaving them all together for maximum effect as well as retaining individual clarity. The visual impression you get seeing them play whirling around each other comes across nicely on record.

As you might well imagine, the selection of stories they are telling must have been made with care. Each one fits aspects of their mission: not always direct commentaries on the current war: that actually comes in the last track which honours Ukrainian soldiers of World War Two. The three preceding songs tackle more broad issues which hopefully transcend periods of conflict & hardship and thus offer promises of life outside the current killing. So we have "…the story of a young woman's life-changing decision to follow a Black Sea sailor", "a young woman's transition to married life" and one which "captures the simplicity of life's blessings: love, family, and homeland. The kalyna (viburnum tree) is woven into the melody as a symbol of Ukrainian beauty and identity".

As I have said before, what I respect about Cov Kozaks in addition to their defiance of the harm done to Ukraine is their refusal to give up assertion & celebration of hope & life force: indeed that positivity is a key part of the defiance.

The best music is that from the heart & speaking to it. You won't find better examples than these songs & this group.

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