The latest state of play of Daffod'i'll

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The latest state of play of Daffod'i'll


I left you in mid-April when Daffod'i'll had reached album number 156 ('Friday').

In the six weeks since, he's made it to his 174th (not including periodic compilations of which there have  been another two: covering 152 to 158 and from 159 to 167)

Starting with the 157th, the ones which have come out most recently are called 'Saturday','Sunday', 'Chastity', 'Temperance', 'Charity', 'Beside the Seaside', 'Diligence', 'Kindness', 'Technology Park', 'Summer Twilight', 'Autumn Winds', 'Love', 'Patience', 'Humility', 'Peace', 'Lust', 'Winter Dawn' and 'Spring Has Sprung'.

All can be found at his Bandcamp page:

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