'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Twelve'

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'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Twelve'


It's very exciting to be able to share 'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Twelve' with you: eleven more examples of how diverse & original the music scene of Coventry and Warwickshire is.

The songs this time are:

"Shake" by Izzie Derry,

"Righteous Man" by TwoManTing ,

"Rise Up" by Liam Vincent & The Odd Foxes,

"Amaze" by Keltik Fish

"Here & Now" by J J Bygrave & Brudez

"Second Chances" by Project Overload

"Faces of Death" by Louis B Scheuer ,

"Breathe Juliet" by AfterKnights

"No Summer" by James Knight

"Oudh" by Floating Palace

"Still Fucked Up" by Grail Guard

They can be downloaded for free via this link: https://hotmusiclivepresents.bandcamp.com/album/hot-music-live-presents-volume-twelve


When you have enjoyed the music yourself, please do share the album with others to help promote & support the creativity of these innovative, authentic, dedicated & skilled musicians.


The album and all previous eleven volumes can be downloaded for free from: https://hotmusiclivepresents.bandcamp.com


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