More news from Daffod'i'll
NewsI was probably tempting fate when with last week's attempted update on all things Daffod'i'll I purported to be up to date. Not only has he released another three (‘ON' ‘OF' and ‘OH') taking us up to 62 solo albums with number 63 apparently imminent, but he tells me that he's adopted Artificial Intelligence to create music: apparently he can devise an album in half an hour, which would certainly account for his prolific release pattern. At the moment he anticipates another forty albums being completed in the immediate future….Perhaps I should have taken more notice of the title of his very first solo album, ‘Artificial Intel'I'gent'
For the record the songs on ‘ON' are entitled "Amazing", "Breath", "Compassion", "Danger", "Do Be Do", "Don't Know", "Dreams" and "Follow", those on ‘OF' are "Knowledge", "Lessons", "My Dreams", "My Lord", "Oh No", "Okay", "Peter Piper" and "Poo" and ‘OH' contains "Release!", "Shattered Dream", "Smart", "Sometimes", "The Light", "Think About", "This Honour" and "Time Keepers".