The latest from Daffod'i'll
NewsI'm afraid keeping tabs on the output of Daffod'i'll is becoming more and more difficult. The last update had reached solo album number eighty ('Grey Woll') and since then he has reached number 115: plus four compilations. It's hard enough naming all these let alone trying to review them, so all I can really do is point you towards them to listen at your leisure.
The thirty five new albums comprise: 'Light Grey Wool', 'Cyan Wool', 'Purple Wool', 'Blue Wool', 'Brown Wool', 'Green Wool', 'Red Wool', 'Black Wool', 'Huhh!' 'Oohh!', 'Owww!', 'Shhh!', 'Argh!', 'Mmnn!', 'Grrr!', 'Yeah!', 'Whitey', 'Blackie', 'Checkie', 'Limey', 'Pinky', 'Orangee', 'Redee', 'Bluey', 'Carbon' 'Phosphorus', 'Nitrogen' 'Sulphur', 'Water', 'Luck', 'Location', 'Time', 'The Composer', 'The Protector' and 'The Debator'.