Five more albums from Daffod'i'll
NewsOut today from the prolific Daffod'i'll are four new albums of his original, solo, music. Bearing in mind I appear also to have missed last month the release of number 50 (‘Dillis') since reporting on the release of number forty-nine, I'll draw your attention to that one too. Number fifty one is called ‘Portland Dill', fifty two is ‘Picadilly', fifty three is ‘Dillicious' and the final one (for now at least) is called ‘Dillaphenia'. It's interesting how, after releasing so many previous albums, each with ten tracks on them, all these new ones have nine. I wonder why?
The song titles are (starting with ‘Dillis'), "A lot Of It!", "Another Story?", "Broken Heart", "'Gladness'", "Is Yah!", "Never Never", "New Sky", "Very Young" and "Work It", on ‘Portland Dill' are "A Thousand Miles", "Big Drum", "Circle", "God Is Love", "Hear Me Out", "Hob Nobbing", "Interaction", "Over It!" and "So Long", ‘Picadilly' comprises "Abba Dabba Do", "Bread/Wine", "Cold!", "Square", "Squirmy Wormy", "Street Beat", "Streets Ahead", "The Street" and "Upside Down", ‘Dillicious' has the songs "Don't You?", "Infinite Wit", "Light/Dark", "Make Believe", "No Doubt", "No Yeah!", "Nowhere", "Really Really" and "The Matter" while you can find "About You", "My Friend", "Oh Papa, "Pretty One", "Stop!", "Stop The Beat", "The Same", "We Know" and "Talking About" on ‘Dillaphenia'.