More music from Daffod'i'll
NewsSince the release of the interesting ‘GRANDY', his thirty-seventh album of his solo year, but his first instrumental one, which we reviewed in July, Daffod'i'll has put out five more: number thirty eight (‘DEAD DAY'), thirty nine (‘WHITE GUY'), forty (‘BLACK GOLD') and forty one (‘DILLUTED') plus a compendium of albums 34 to 40.
Despite the artistic success of the instrumental album, (which I thought worthy of further exploration as an approach), Dill has returned to the formula of the first thirty six and provided vocals on the latest tracks. These are, starting with ‘DEAD DAY': "We Go!", "Glory!", "Oh Yeah", "Peace", "Stealey Dan", "Stoop", "Take Care", "Twiddle Dee", "Twiddle Dum" and "Free", on ‘WHITE GUY' we get "Diddle Squat (Remix", "Activate!", "Slap Back", "Through You", "Wise", "Light1" and "Feel It", ‘BLACK GOLD' features "2 Glory", "Mr Sister", "Night Come", "Shock!", "2 The Light", "Proof", "Why" and "You Like?" while ‘DILLUTED' has "Uma Mow-Mow!", "Am I", "Do Do", "Flip DE Dip", "Go To", "Here It", "I Remember", "Kraftverk", "Shaking" and "Wow A How?".