'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Seven'
NewsFresh out today: 'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Seven': seventeen more great original tracks by Coventry & Warwickshire musicians, available for free download via this link: https://hotmusiclivepresents.bandcamp.com/album/hot-music-live-presents-volume-seven
As the aim of the project is very much to get the word out about the quality & diversity of Coventry & Warwickshire music, readers are very much encouraged to download & enjoy these songs, but also asked to share the link so that we can help build audiences for the artists concerned.
The tracks and artists are:
"Still Going Strong" by annA rydeR
"Lazy Hazel Heart" by The Giraffes
"Totally Together" by Brothers From Another Mother featuring Kirsty Brewerton
"Untelligent Behaviour" by Trust Club
"Sick Of It" by Never Apart
"California" by Reiss Pinder
"Thoughts" by Paul Mccormack
"Mermaid" by Paradise of the Titans
"HIGHHIGHHIGH" by Euan Blackman
"Disperse" by Ezza Brianna
"Yoruda" by RobinPlaysChords
"Mountains" by Dan Bygrave
"Too Long" by Contacts in the North featuring Ingela Wiklund
"Working On Your Chemistry" by The Eyes of Isabel
"SMILE" by Avidfan
"A Friend" by In Emerald Sea
"Peaceful Warrior" by Lemon Tones