'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Fourteen'

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'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Fourteen'


We are delighted to announce ‘Hot Music Live Presents Volume Fourteen': eleven more of the finest original songs from Coventry & Warwickshire artists, demonstrating the great diversity of the local music scene.

This collection is dedicated to the memory of Doug Armstrong

Although, as always, tracks on 'Hot Music Live Presents Volume Fourteen' are available as free downloads, there is the "name your price" option: which if you'd like to use it to make a donation, all proceeds will, at the request of Doug's family, go to The Shakespeare Hospice.


On this occasion we are delighted to share with you the following songs:


"On Chesil Beach" by Yonderland

"The Best Things" by Scratchy Beard

"Kaval Sviri" by WorldSong

"Toffee" by Luminae

"Regular Normal Life" by Voyeahs

"Cascade" by What About Eric?

"It's OK Not To Be OK"  by Barney Cunningham

"Fight for the Cause" by Creaking Twitch

"The Facilitation of Lawful Protest" by Not Right

"House of Cards" by Nathan Wade

They can be downloaded for free via this link: https://hotmusiclivepresents.bandcamp.com/album/hot-music-live-presents-volume-fourteen

When you have enjoyed the music yourself, please do share the album with others to help promote & support the creativity of these innovative, authentic, dedicated & skilled musicians.

The album and all previous thirteen volumes can be downloaded  from:


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