"Vices" by Monday Nights
ReviewAfter the great reception which followed their last single "Japan" (not least from ‘Hot Music Live'), Monday Nights are back on Wednesday with its successor, "Vices" which will join it on their debut EP ‘Meet You After The Earthquake' which emerges on October 25th.
It may be some sort of tip of the hat to the equally excellent "Vice Vice Vice" single by Bar Pandora from 2022 but I think that's unlikely, however nice it might be in theory. Simply, two of the most subtle of Coventry & Warwickshire songwriters are separately inspired by vices (not that this means that they indulge of course: this is the world of observation & commentary).
While the precise meaning of Bar Pandora song was partially obscured by Charlie Tophill's cutup compositional approach, "Vices" also requires the listener to reach out & engage to derive the fuller meaning. In this case, we are talking about an oblique lyrical technique (which characterises all Monday Nights songs anyway). Consequently it is one of those onion layer tracks: you can find perfectly good understanding at any given level: though delving deeper brings additional insights.
Jacob informs me that the vices in question (and to be honest they are addictions as well) go beyond the more obvious ones into compulsive behaviours of various non-beneficial forms such as online activity and ultimately relationships. The "you are one of us" lyric refers to the pressure of peers which is a factor in sucking individuals into the cycles.
At a very deep level is a pop culture reference which I'm not going to spoil for you: if you cannot spot it, then please ask the band directly: I'm sure that they'd appreciate the interaction.
Jacob also describes it as "pretty experimental" which is a relative term as far as Monday Nights go as they don't fit into anyone else's template nor do they seem to like repeating what they did last time. A thread of melodicism runs though all their work, but beyond that, they do give the impression of exploration & experimentation most times out.
The track throws up examples of innovation & breaking new ground in terms of what they've done throughout its length: from the choir effect intro onwards via pronounced electro-beats, backwards instrumentation and abrupt pivots of style & processing. The overall effect is unsettling to say the least and no doubt that's what was intended to replicate the heights & depths of the addictive life.
You can catch Monday Nights live in the HMV shop in Coventry at 1400 on October 19th as part of the "Live & Local" series of instore gigs and with fellow "Hot Music Live Presents" featured stars Ace Ambrose and Duke Keats at the HMV Empire on October 24th: the eve of the full EP release.