"McNultys Bar" by Man Made Moon
ReviewAs I hope my various reviews make clear, since I much prefer artists who disdain categories and genres, I strive to avoid placing them into such. Nonetheless, certain general patterns manifest themselves to me the more I cover. One is the artist/band who polish their work so finely & keep the quality control at such a level that new releases can be quite rare: it's not unusual for me to start wondering with some whether they are still making music at all.
Man Made Moon definitely fall into this group: their refined & well-honed songs only emerge occasionally (it's been a year & a quarter since I reviewed their ‘Wishing on Satellites' EP) though now they've recorded another trio which rather than share as a group on another EP, come out as a short sharp series of singles: "McNultys Bar", "Brass Knuckles" and "Tell Me When I'm Dead".
The lineup has evolved since we first featured them in 2019 and now comprises Ben Taylor on rhythm guitar and vocals, Gary Ryan (bass), Simon Gough (lead guitar), Stuart Sheppard (keyboards) and drummer Chris Samworth.
There is some great artwork (by Greengaia) on each new song and that of "McNultys Bar" which you will hear first on 25th October provides continuity with their preceding work given that it features a spaceman (be prepared: the others may not necessarily do so despite the considerable career precedents).
Produced, mixed and recorded at Complete Sounds in Leamington (as were the other two), "McNultys Bar" is unlike anything you've heard from this band before. Eschewing their (hitherto) trademark ethereal approach to rock, the song swings like the atmosphere in the eponymous premises and unlike anything you've heard from them.
Personally I thought it's a fantastic song: much as I liked the carefully ice-sculptured soundscapes of their earlier tracks, which evoked their subject matters well, bands seldom lose out by demonstrating breadth and even the most individual of trademark sounds lose potency with over exposure & in time ultimately devalue what's gone before if repeated too many times.
I won't say that "McNultys Bar" is the first Man Made Moon song which will get most people dancing, but it's certainly top of the list in their set (to date) for danceability: indeed it will offer a particular highlight of their live set henceforth.
Above all, the band sound like they had a ball writing & recording the song: this communicated itself well to me & will I believe to you too.
Look out for "Brass Knuckles" on 15th of November and "Tell Me When I'm Dead" on 6th of December.