Three more new albums from Daffod'i'll
NewsWe are now up to album forty three from Daffod'i'll with the release of ‘DILLUTED', ‘DILLWEED' and ‘Dillapidation'
Number forty one comprises tracks named "Uma Mow-Mow!", "Am I", "Do Do", "Flip De Dip", "Go To", "I Remember", "Kraftverk", "Shaking", "The Beat" and "How" with number forty two having "Every Day!", "Give It", "Know NO!", "NO Answer?", "S.OS.", "Sir Vant", "Sing-Song!", "The Wind?" and "Try!" and number forty three has "So Sad", "Anatomoney", "Climb", "Farewell!", "Is It Fare?", "Splosh", "Stuttering/Muttering", "Touchy-Feelie", "Yo No It" and "So'B'". The last of these thirty new tracks is the most interesting as, taking up from where album number thirty seven (‘GRANDY') left off, it's largely instrumental with only what sounds like a sampled female vocal occasionally.
In a break from the variations of photographs of the artist for the first forty albums, these ones have switched to paintings of the same subject.