"That's The Way" by Jaquelina James
ReviewOut now from Jackie James is her new single entitled "That's The Way", though when you go looking for it on the streaming platforms, please note that it's under the name "Jaquelina James" to distinguish her from the plethora of other artists of a similar name (I've also added it to the "Hot Music Live Presents" Spotify playlist for Autumn 2022 so you can find it there too).
Having had sessions recently with John Rivers at Woodbine Street featuring such local luminaries as Ethan Shipley, Jools Street & Victor Guillamon, this single involves Ethan & Victor with more tracks yet to be released.
Jackie has never fitted comfortably into the restrictions of a label or a genre although obviously playing live has tended to reflect the lineup of any band or duo she has been able to put together: she often has been a solo (acoustic) live act. Even so, "That's The Way" will surprise many who think they know her as it is very different to much of her previous recorded output.
I could say it has a "Latin feel" but that's a bit feeble as it's a downright Latin song (although with English lyrics) with Ethan adding mariachi style brass over the flamenco guitar & the swinging drumming. That the trumpet seems to be on fire on the artwork may be significant too…
Jackie's songs can be quite serious & introspective at times but on this one, everyone seems to be having a ball & I'm sure anyone listening will be on their feet too: now can she get this band together to play it live I wonder? Is it the start of a new musical phase for her or just a one off celebration? I look forwards to hearing the other material from the sessions which may add clues….