An upbeat set of well-chosen classics and catchy melodic originals. Chasing Deer gave an energetically precise performance with strong vocal delivery and some crisp disciplined guitar work.
As promised in yesterday's broad sweep review of 2023's Godiva Festival, here is more detailed focus on the new Chasing Deer album ‘Diamonds in ...
Out right now is the latest Chasing Deer single "Orchards" which acts also as a taster for the ‘Diamonds in the Rafters' album which will be out ...
After something of a sabbatical from his previous heavy schedule with Chasing Deer, Rob Hodkinson has followed his "comeback" single "On Standby" ...
It's been far too long since I last reviewed Chasing Deer in the magazine : I think it was their Christmas single "Together At Christmas" back ...
As a Christmas treat for us, Chasing Deer have decided to re-release their 2015 festive single, "Together At Christmas".
I have not had a chance to review a Chasing Deer release for you since "Scared" came out in December, so I'm pleased to do so now in reaction to ...
An open air truck gig at Ryton Pools to support an event for perinatal mental health.
Make you mine, the first solo release from Dean Dovey, is a big, big romantic ballad.