On Bass, Sir Horace Gentleman
by Beano, 05 Mar 2016
{Thanks to Andy Holdcroft for this review}
The new temporary (until December 2016) exhibition at Coventry Music Museum is called "On Bass, Sir Horace Gentleman", being a look at the hugely varied career of the man known most famously for being the bassplayer of The Specials. The exhibition is jam packed with material from Horace's private collection including material collected by his parents and encompasses his career from "Breaker" through The Specials, General Public etc to his several current projects via a huge range of fascinating side projects (remember "Barnsley Bill"?). There is a video of him being interviewed created specially for the exhibition plus several pieces of his artwork, reflecting his other great love, including one he has made exclusively for the event. More details can be found including opening hours, at the Coventry Music Museum (linked below).